To make the curry sauce for 6 eggs from scratch you need

1-2 large white onions, peeled, sliced into 4mm thick slices

20ml canola oil

10ml curry powder

1cm ginger root, grated

1ml chilli flakes

5ml turmeric

1 small fresh red chilies, finely sliced – optional

1-2 small bay leaves – optional

150ml white wine vinegar

150ml water

15ml sugar

30ml apricot jam

30ml medium or hot chutney

3ml potato or cornflour (I always use potato flour) blended to a paste with 15ml water


250ml left over curry sauce from pickled fish, remove the large spices such as pimento, whole peppercorns and bay leaves

Optional additions:

The addition of peanut butter gives an Indonesian Satay twist

100ml unsweetened peanut butter – optional

100ml coconut cream or thick yoghurt – optional

25ml coarsely chopped fresh coriander or Vietnamese mint

To prepare

If you are preparing the sauce from scratch

Heat the canola oil while you slice the onions, then add the onions and the curry powder and cook until the onions are glossy.

Add the rest of the ingredients, except the potato flour and water paste and allow the mixture to come to the boil and cook for about 5 minutes.

Finally add the potato flour paste, the optional peanut butter and coconut cream or yoghurt.

Bring to the boil

Lastly stir in the chopped coriander or Vietnamese mint


The coconut cream and peanut butter give a rich, creamy sauce

If you are using left over pickled fish sauce

You cannot throw out the remains of your pickled fish sauce

Remove all the whole spices and bay leaves, they have served their purpose!

Add the peanut butter and coconut cream or yoghurt to the curry sauce.

Heat the mixture and stir to blend the ingredients.

Lastly stir in the chopped coriander or Vietnamese mint

If you missed the pickled fish recipe: click here

To serve, pour the warm sauce over halved, hard boiled eggs. Serve with rice or any other starch. I served quinoa.